The Greeks were in perfect coherence with nature and themselves, but with their Gods, mythology states a different version. The peace and stability of their society, the harmony, and the beauty of their land is what the artist seeks to depict here. It comes in the joyful flutter of butterflies (the souls of people who passed on), the delicate hues of corals, the songs of the Sirens and the rhythms of the sea.

The breadth of the canvas is a calm aquamarine expanse of the Aegean Sea with boats sailing down it, as inspired by the great Greek nautical tradition. In the middle of the sea, rises Poseidon chided by an angry seagull and flanked by a serpent-headed Medusa.
Despite all that the Greeks endured, eventually, all that survived is their happy spirit – warmed with natural beauty and balmy weather. They lived with love, and died for it – as seen in the tragedy of Troy. Paris’ tragic love is represented by the apple that is washed on to the shore, bathed in sea foam.
The center of the canvas shows a profusion of pink and white blossoms on the tree with gnarled roots. The artist recalls this tale of never-ending generosity when the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes descended to earth disguised as beggars. Rejected by many families, they were finally fed by the old couple Baucis and Philemon. Zeus pleased with this poor old couple granted them their wish of always being together. An oak and a linden tree grew with their trunks entwined around each other right on the spot where they were buried.
Despite all that the Greeks endured, eventually, all that survived is their happy spirit – warmed with natural beauty and balmy weather. They lived with love, and died for it – as seen in the tragedy of Troy. Paris’ tragic love is represented by the apple that is washed on to the shore, bathed in sea foam.
The center of the canvas shows a profusion of pink and white blossoms on the tree with gnarled roots. The artist recalls this tale of never-ending generosity when the Greek gods Zeus and Hermes descended to earth disguised as beggars. Rejected by many families, they were finally fed by the old couple Baucis and Philemon. Zeus pleased with this poor old couple granted them their wish of always being together. An oak and a linden tree grew with their trunks entwined around each other right on the spot where they were buried.